Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mardi gras pt2

So it's been a pretty wild note I ran into on of the original regal chiks and my gurl cCedes but what just toke the cake was the dude I'm with trying to feel on my throat like I was a dude or somehting

But after a few margaritas at Asti and a run and coke at Patricks im going to pause blogging about this till tomorrow

Anyways Granted this is almost two weeks later (these next few lines at least) I wanted to let you all know how the rest of my Mardi Gras went....

Overall it was chill, I really had fun in Patricks listening to blues with Scarf, he seemed like a pretty chill guy, paid for my food at Asti and my drinks all night but idk... something about him says that he probably isn't the one for me...(yes for those of you who are wondering I still am with Bear.... granted right now we are on somewhat of a weird space that has me ready to interview his replacement we are still together on some superficial level)

Honestly idk there are just too many thing going on right now...

I got a ton of beeds though without having to show anything hahahahahahahahhahahaha

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